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In situ interactions and observations enable us to deeply understand the context of a place, a subject or key issues at stake. Honest conversations and spontaneous exchanges help us to build empathy with different perspectives and narratives. We are able to draw from these insights to begin framing how things are now, and how they could/ should be.


We love to organize workshops, especially the kind that bring different types of people together. They are a great way of sharing views and producing new ideas. We organize workshops that can last from 2 hours to a week, with as little as 6 people and as many as 100. We also organize workshops with kids, young people and other hard to reach groups as well as with people speaking different languages. Our workshops focus on creative expression and dialogue.

focus groups

A good focus group should have a maximum of 12 people and clear objectives. A lot can get done in about 2 hours when we know what we are looking for and create space for everyone to contribute. Focus groups can be held with a diverse group on a single theme, or with like-minded people on different topics or both.

social data synthesis

Sometimes we must generate the qualitative data that we are looking for, sometimes it already exists. Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Google Maps and many other social media tools are a treasure trove of information. People produce content, leave comments and reviews, all great material for us to analyze.

user profiles & scenarios

People are diverse and can exhibit their unique and unexpected ways. Yet, trying to identify “types” can sometimes help produce scenarios highlighting multiple perspectives. With one foot in sociology and another in storytelling, scenarios can help test, visualize, and communicate the realm of possibilities.

semi-structured interviews

A good interview, according to us, is one which is well prepared and yet takes us on varied tangents. It is essential to know what we are looking for when we request someone's time, but more often than not, the most interesting output of an interview is something we could not have foreseen. This is why taking time, and having a genuine interest in people is an essential aspect of our work.


We are not alone! There are many people in other parts of the world that are looking for similar solutions in different contexts. Learning from other people's experiences, whether they are successful or not, is an essential dimension of good practice.

interactive questionnaire

While we value face to face interactions the most, we also understand the value of a good qualitative questionnaire. They typically help reach other audiences who we might not be able to meet. We use different tools, including map-based questionnaires to get feedback from a wide range of respondents.


Visions, scenarios, benchmarking, and the results of a contributive process must be shared with all stakeholders. An exhibition is always an opportunity to display our process and findings as well as get more feedback, and thus broader the base of contributors. It is a great way to test the results of a participatory process.

tools & methods

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